
48 result(s) found.

Unit Name Type of Unit Industry Name of Owner 1 Name of Owner 2 Mobile No. Action
Kosan Indusries Pvt. Ltd. NA NA Rambhai Ishwarbhai 7045418834
DN Eternal Diamonds NA NA Ravin 9824858555
Surgimedik Health Care NA NA Gangaram Joshi 9987084561
Ruta Jewels NA NA Kishor Mawani Shailendra 9574370234
Yashvardhan Jewels NA NA Office Roy 9904010575
Coral Diam Pvt. Ltd. NA NA Rupeshbhai Khatri ketanbhai Khatri 9998846080
Textrade International Ltd. NA NA Mahendra m das 9974273852
Bhatwari Technologies NA NA Ravin 9724990990
Walson Woodburn NA NA Himanshu shaileshbhai 9712925200
Leora Jewellery NA NA Jaydipbhai 9925634478